
程枫 1172分享

  1.These postcards are great ! Yes, they are .这些明信片真棒! 是的。

  2.Tell me more about the Great Wall .告诉我更多关于长城的事。

  3.How long is it ? It's about six thousand seven hundred kilometres .


  4.It's got eight million people .它有八百万人。

  5.Beijing's got about fourteen million people .北京大约有一千四百万人。、

  6.How many countries are in the UN ?联合国有多少个国家?

  7.What a big map of America !多么大的一张美国地图啊!

  8.Canada is on the north of America .加拿大在美国的北面。

  9.Look at the library rules . It says, "Don't talk in the library ."

  看图书馆规则。 上面写着:"不要在图书馆里谈话。"

  10.Here's my library card . 这儿是我的借书卡。

  11.Please stand in line !请站排!

  12.Don't ride your bicycle here !不要在这儿骑自行车!

  13.Do you miss China ? Sometimes .你想念中国吗?有时想。

  14.Let's go to Chinatown now.我们现在去唐人街吧。

  15.They want to bring peace to the world .他们想带给世界和平。

  16.Do you collect stamps ?你集邮吗?

  17.These are some stamps from Canada .这些是加拿大邮票。

  18.They are famous men and women .他们是名人。

  19.Have you got any stamps from China ? Yes, I have .你有来自中国的邮票吗?是的。

  20.This stamp is from China .这张邮票是来自中国。

  21.Collecting stamps is my hobby .集邮是我的爱好。

  22.Can you tell me more about American festivals ? 有关美国的节日你能告诉我更多吗?

  23.Thanksgiving is my favourite festival .感恩节是我的最喜爱的节日。

  24.What do you do on Thanksgiving Day ?你在感恩节那天做什么?