
布丁 1172分享

  一、 写出字母的左邻右舍(12分)

  ( )Rr( ) ( )Dd( ) ( )Ii( )

  ( )Mm( ) ( )Yy( ) ( )Vv( )

  二、 选出不同类的单词(10分)

  ( )1、A. search B. send C. world

  ( )2、A. found B. emailed C. excited

  ( )3、A. talk B. went C. learnt

  ( )4、A. does B. has C. play

  ( )5、A. swimming B. running C. having

  ( )6、A. is B. am C. was

  ( )7、A. tea B. bread C. water

  ( )8、A. weekday B. Sunday C. Saturday

  ( )9、A. fruit B. banana C. apple

  ( )10、A. round B. enjoy C. bright

  三、 看图选出对应的短语(12分)

  A. send greetings B. play chess C. prictise listening D. learn writing

  E. wave goodbye F. red bean G. mooncake G. nuts H. email friends I. lotus seed J. find out about countries H. search for a lot of things

  A. at B. were C. plays D. waved E. drinking F. celebrating

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  四、 单项选择(10分)

  ( )1、Don’t play computer games ▁▁▁often.

  A. to B. two C. too

  ( )2、There was an even ▁▁▁box in that. m

  A. small B. big C. smaller

  ( )3、I enjoy ▁▁▁ the moon.

  A. looking B. looking at C. look at

  ( )4、---What▁▁▁ you do at home?

  ---I can sweep the floor.

  A. do B. did C. can

  ( )5、He could ▁▁▁his friends in Australia.

  A. email B. emailed C. emails

  ( )6、I ▁▁▁ an interesting bird in a book yesterday.

  A. see B. saw C. sees

  ( )7、Let’s ▁▁▁ and have a look.

  A. go B. goes C. went

  ( )8、His father bought ▁▁▁ a computer.

  A. his B. him C. her

  ( )9、my mum bought me a computer ▁▁▁ my birthday.

  A. for B. on C. about

  ( )10、 ▁▁▁type do you like ?

  A. when B. which C. who