
咏良 1172分享




  一、 选出你所听到的单词(10分)

  1. ( ) A shop B jump C chip D jeep

  2. ( ) A feed B need C bed D read

  3. ( ) A ill B all C doll D far

  4. ( ) A see B hardC naughty D lake

  5. ( ) A shorts B lakes C rows D winner

  二、 选出你所听到的词或短语,并在下面划线(10分)

  1. They are dragon boats.

  2. I can jump far.

  3. I can swim in this puddle.

  4. Can I have some sweets, please?

  5. I can play with my computer game.


  1. is Amy‘s dress.(This,That)

  2.I read these books.(can, can’t)

  3.What are ?(these,those)

  4.Can I play ?(basketball,football)

  5.He can .(jump far, run fast)


  一、 看图选单词,并填在横线上 (16分)


  1. ( ) These _____ Sam‘s shorts.

  A. are B. is C. am

  2. ( ) Can I come _________ ?

  A. to B. in C. at

  3. ( ) _______ you play basketball?

  A. are B. can C. is

  4. ( ) Can I listen ______ the CDs ?

  A. to B. for C. at

  5. ( ) Can I have an ice cream ?

  A. Yes, they are . B. Yes, I can’t . C. Yes, I do.

  6( )、Look at those cars there?

  A. from B. in C.over D. to

  7、( )My father is listening music.

  A. to B. for C. at D. in

  8、( )Tom is doing homework.

  A. he B. his C. him D./

  9、( )Mum watching TV now.

  A. am B. are C. is D. be

  10、( )Let‘s make a kite Tom.

  A. to B. for C. at D. of

  三、单词填写 (16分)

  1.Amy is _____________ .(生病的)

  2.You can have these _____________ .(饼干复数)

  3.I can go to the _____________ .(商店)

  4.Don’t _____________ .(担心)

  5.You can read _____________ (全部的) the books now.

  6.Can I _____________ (看电视) ?

  7.Can I_____________ (上床睡觉) now ?

  8. (喂) the ducks.



  It‘s bed time!

  1、Can you play with toys?


  2、Can you read your book in bed?


  3、Can you listen to your CDs?


  4、Can you sing a song?


  5、Can you go to bed now?
