全职猎人片尾曲Just Awake视频,Just Awake歌词

李婷 1172分享

  中(かさ)なって胸(むね)の音(おと)   揺(ゆ)さぶっても闻(き)こえ-   こぼれ落(お)ちたピース   こんな日常(にちじょう)の忧郁(ゆううつ)さえ   ため息(いき)も出(で)ずに无感情(むかんじょう)な仆(ぼく)ら   Life filled with vanity   Colors have faded   Things you desire exist here   Flee from this colorless world   つぎはぎの心(こころ)は不安定(ふあんてい)   洗(あら)い流(なが)された初期冲动(しょきしょうどう)を 呼(よ)び覚(さ)まして走(はし)り出(だ)せ   拙(つたな)い言叶(ことば) 思(おも)うままに繋(つな)ぐよ あの日(ひ)の鼓动(こどう)   忘(わす)れないで   Oh my lord, it’s gone!!   What shall I do?   Pieces I had have fell apart   Where do you belong?   Where should I aim(for)?   Once you’ve lost sight it’s left to fall apart   Let’s start it over again   Rebuild and combine all the pieces we have lost   To become one   Like a puzzle   Take it one at a time   when I stopped (a) rusted chain tangled me up   Tying my body onto the ground   As I sink underground I call your name   What can I do to see the day light once more?   Tear it apart and rip it off   Break the chain now   Sink down or swim up   Fight your way through   Seek your way out   If you can not, you are left to drown deep inside   Chain tangled me harder,chocking my neck   强( つよ)がってた仆(ぼく)のこと   见守(みまも)ってたきみは言(い)う   今(いま)ここに居(い)るよ   いつなでも消(き)えない思(おも)いを   つなぎ止(と)められた初期冲动(しょきしょうどう)を   呼(よ)び覚(さ)まして走(はし)り出(だ)せ   あの日(ひ)の鼓动(こどう)は   仆(ぼく)と君(きみ)の中(なか)の宇宙(うちゅう)で响(ひび)いているよ 配词   Misery is nothing   It is all up to your thoughts and beliefs to bring in success   Within your life   Don’t you compare yourself with other people   That’s a waste of person you are so why not be honest to your emotion   All the promises made between us   Broke in pieces (and) turned into sand   Let’s escape from this colorless world to find myself and tomorrow(that)we live.


