How Much Will We Remember(电影《冲上云霄》插曲)歌词

嘉欣 173分享

  这首《How Much Will We Remember》是The Pancakes演唱的一首歌曲,同时也是电影《冲上云霄》的插曲,非常好听。下面是小编整理的How Much Will We Remember歌词,分享给大家!

  How Much Will We Remember歌词

  How Much Will We Remember - The Pancakes

  How much do we remember from the songs that we heard

  How much do we remember from the people that we've hurt

  How much do we remember from the hands that we held

  And how much from the beliefs we upheld

  How much do we remember from the secrets that we told

  How much do we remember from the heroes we extolled

  How much do we remember from the letters that we wrote

  And how much from the poems we learnt by rote

  Sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes

  How much will we remember from the things now we decry

  And how much from the news that make us cry

  Sometimes sometimes sometimes sometimes

  Sometimes I just can't remember

  All the things we did together

  The wind the dust the mornings will remain

  Sometimes I just can't remember

  All the things we did together

  The wind the dust the mornings will remain

  Sometimes I just can't remember

  All the things we did together

  The wind the dust the mornings will remain

  Sometimes I just can't remember

  All the things we did together

  The wind the dust the mornings will remain

  Sometimes I just can't remember

  All the things we did together

  The wind the dust the mornings will remain

  But they're never gonna be the same again

  And my life could never be the same again



  为帮公司建立新形象,张春亮邀请谭梦(郑秀文饰)拍摄宣传片,并由唐亦琛(吴镇宇饰) 担任拍摄时的飞行顾问,碰巧二人早前为航班误点有过磨擦,令见面时非常尴尬,但过程中竟又互相发现对方的优点,暗生情愫。


  三段感情,发展都不似预期,但原来只要明白到世事再没完美,能够在岁月如歌中找到快乐便已足够 。


  电影中,既有男神女神的养眼盛宴,又不乏曲折浪漫的爱情故事,惊喜、虐心、浪漫、重逢,多种元素集于一身,使电影无论在人物上还是在剧情上都十分饱满,更是使人前一秒还在痴迷,下一秒就流出了眼泪,在享受视觉盛宴的同时可以深切的感受到情感的共鸣 。(网易网评)

