
李婷 1172分享

  一、Listen and choose(选择听到的单词,将其标号写在括号里)

  ( )1、A. fun B. far C. fat D. fox

  ( )2、A. seat B. soon C. song D. sing

  ( )3、A. all B. again C. also D. able

  ( )4、A. prince B. print C. present D. plus

  ( )5、A. come B. cool C. count D. cold

  ( )6、A. fell B. flue C. fall D. floor

  ( )7、A. wash B. watch C. walk D. wear

  ( )8、A.stayed B. still C. past D. play

  ( )9、A. went B. when C. wore D. what

  ( )10、A. buy B. bought C. but D. had

  二、Read and number(听音,给下列图片标出序号)

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  三、Listen and choose(听问句选择答句,将标号写在括号里 )

  ( )1、A. We had a happy time.

  B. We went to the zoo.

  C. We wore warm clothes.

