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  这首《Unpredictable》是易烊千玺发行的一首英文单曲,由Dave Gibson作词,David Gamson和Dave Gibson作曲,David Gamson担任制作人。下面是小编整理的Unpredictable歌词,分享给大家!


  Little bones little coloured stones

  Try to keep try to keep you warm

  If you wanna know wanna know your mind

  Leave it all leave it all behind

  There are things that are better left alone

  So many questions out of your control

  I don't wanna know how this is gonna end

  Coz it won't stop the rain from coming down again

  And I don't need that superstition fortune telling future magical

  I live a life unpredictable

  I live a life unpredictable

  Little leaves little leaves will form

  Try to see try to see the storm

  If you wanna know wanna know your heart

  Lose it all lose it from the start

  There are things that are better left alone

  So many questions out of your control

  I don't wanna know how this is gonna end

  Coz it won't stop the rain from coming down again

  And I don't need that superstition fortune telling future magical

  I live a life unpredictable

  I live a life unpredictable





  I don't wanna know how this is gonna end

  Coz it won't stop the rain from coming down again

  I don't wanna know how this is gonna end

  Coz it won't stop the rain from coming down again

  And I don't need that superstition fortune telling future magical

  I live a life unpredictable

  I live a life unpredictable


  《Unpredictable》旋律舒缓优美,反复回旋中带给人以空灵宁静之感。易烊千玺磁性柔和的嗓音,低吟浅唱“I live a life, unpredictable.”淡淡的忧伤与年轻无虑的精神内核相融,诠释了当下大多数人的心理状态,与其预测着看不见的未来,不如抛下顾虑和枷锁,肆意生长。未可知的一切,皆是精彩的开场。


  继《Nothing To Lose》之后,相隔5天,易烊千玺生日发新歌。11月28日,他的第二首个人英文单曲《Unpredictable》首发上线。少年十七,未来可期。

  该单曲延续国际首席团队倾力打造的风格,联手美国资深制作人David Gamson及词作者Dave Gibson,并由两位音乐大师联合谱曲。



  易烊千玺说,在听到这首歌的小样后,觉得旋律特别好听,歌词也很贴合当下的心境,所以只用了一个下午就录完了。“很顺利,而且这首歌的旋律和歌词一次都没有改过,就是原版的DEMO。我自己在演绎的时候想着,未来也许很迷茫很不确定,所以要一步一步迈好现在的脚步。这首歌里我最喜欢的是副歌最后一句,‘I live a life,Unpredictable’(我要的未来,无法预测),我觉得这句歌词跟我现在的生活很接近。”


