曲婉婷-You Can't Hurt Me Anymore (Napa Cabbage Remix)歌词在线看

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  这首《You Can't Hurt Me Anymore 》Napa Cabbage Remix是曲婉婷演唱的一首歌曲,也是很好听哦。下面是小编整理的You Can't Hurt Me Anymore 歌词,分享给大家!

  You Can't Hurt Me Anymore 歌词

  You Can't Hurt Me Anymore (Napa Cabbage Remix) - 曲婉婷

  Written by:曲婉婷/Rachael Dahl/Justin Gray

  I look in the mirror

  Your lies showing through

  Told me that I got so much to prove

  You've broken my spirit

  You painted me scars

  Burned by your fire

  Then you stole my spark

  Don't be like this

  Throw your stones I'll turn them into stardust

  I build a broken heart of armor

  You can't hurt me anymore

  You can't hurt me anymore

  My heart has died a thousand times before

  You can't hurt me anymore

  Said I was fragile

  Made out of glass

  But I'm a diamond

  If you try me yeah you'll find that diamonds never crack

  Step outta my way

  Boy you're history to me now

  You can't hurt me anymore

  You can't hurt me anymore

  My heart has died a thousand times before

  You can't hurt me anymore

  You Can't Hurt Me Anymore基本信息

  歌名:You Can't Hurt Me Anymore



  作词:曲婉婷/ Rachael Dahl/ Justin Gray

  作曲:曲婉婷/ Rachael Dahl/ Justin Gray

  编曲:Justin Gray



  2009年,曲婉婷成为加拿大Nettwerk音乐公司首位华人合约音乐人。她的英文歌曲《Drenched》成为了电影《春娇与志明》的主题曲。之后,她凭借一首原创歌曲《我的歌声里》成名。2012年,她加盟环球音乐,并于4月24日在北美首发个人首张原创专辑《Everything In The World》。2013年,她受央视春晚邀请担任表演嘉宾,与杜淳合唱《我的歌声里》;2月15日,她担任了温哥华旅游大使。同年10月18日,她的第二张唱作专辑《Say The Words》由环球唱片发行。2017年10月27日,阔别四年,曲婉婷正式回归,推出全新原创大碟《LLL》。


