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  这首《ONE》是Robynn & Kendy组合演唱的一首歌曲,由Sue Marguerite作词,Hans Ebert作曲。下面是小编整理的ONE歌词,分享给大家!


  ONE - Robynn & Kendy

  词:Sue Marguerite

  曲:Hans Ebert


  监制:舒文@zoo music

  Right from the start

  We both played a part

  Growing together standing tall

  Creating a better life for all

  With passion our spirit cries

  Yes we can yes we can yes we can yes we can

  Tomorrow's a brighter day

  Together we'll find a way

  We are one

  Striving together riding high

  Helping each other touch the sky

  Hand-in-hand we stand

  Together we are one

  When times are tough

  You feel you're not enough

  Know that you're not alone

  We are here raise a cheer you know we'll persevere

  Through all the ups and downs

  We're one big family we're one big community

  You'll see how much we'll grow

  And then you'll come to know

  We are one

  Striving together riding high

  Helping each other touch the sky

  Hand-in-hand we stand

  Together we are one

  Striving together riding high

  Helping each other touch the sky

  Hand-in-hand we stand

  Together we are one

  With every day

  We'll find a way

  To reach the stars

  Cause we are


  Striving together riding high

  Helping each other touch the sky

  Hand-in-hand we stand

  Together we are one

  Striving together riding high

  Helping each other touch the sky

  Hand-in-hand we stand

  Together we are one

  Striving together riding high

  Helping each other touch the sky

  Hand-in-hand we stand

  Together we are one

  Robynn & Kendy早年经历

  Robynn & Kendy由叶晴晴与孙晓慧组成,成员之一的叶晴晴是已故中华人民共和国开国元勋叶剑英的孙女,15岁时,叶晴晴便远赴美国升读高中,毕业于美国西北大学,主修心理学,曾在自闭症儿童训练中心任职语言治疗师,大学时曾参与无伴奏合唱团,获得过音乐比赛冠军,还曾邀请到台湾地区及新加坡等地演出;另一成员孙晓慧在中学时就读于玛利曼中学,因受任职金融界的父亲影响而远赴英国伦敦政治经济学院主修经济学,在留学期间考获皇家音乐声乐八级文凭及伦敦音乐学校音乐表演证书。2010年毕业后,她返回香港后曾于银行界工作,并为作曲人唱Demo及作曲。

  Robynn & Kendy个人作品


  《思念是一种病X Where Is The Love》

  《念你X You're Beautiful》







  《想你×Sunday Morning》




  《Robynn&Kendy》(Dream Together Edition)2012年7月17日

  《Dear Diary》2013年2月21日

  《Dear Diary》(2nd Edition)2013年4月15日

  《Sail Away》2013年11月25日




