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  The princess’s 20th birthday is coming.And the princess is going to get married in this day.So John and Jack,two princes are on the way to the Palace.They all want to marry the beautiful princess—Rose.


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  Jack:Beautiful girl,can you save me? Rose回笑:of course~

  Jack:My name is jack,can you tell me your name? Rose一边解绳子,一边答:Rose.

  Jack:what a beautiful name,just like the person. Rose解完绳子

  Rose:I have to go now.Where do you live?I can look for you if I’m free.

  Jack 很开心地,突然笑容僵住,因为他知道他的使命就是娶公主,因此他不能与任何别的女人不清不楚。

  Jack:thank you very much this time.My home is far away from here.I have to go now.说完就转身走了,留下Rose形单影只站在原地。 Jack边走向舞台外,边轻声道:Sorry.Rose.I love you… Rose依然怅然站在原地。 《遇见》副歌


  旁白:After many days,Jack finally arrive at the Palace.


  Jack:Your majesty.I’m very glad to see you.(恭敬地低着头,并没看见上方的公主) 公主听到声音,惊喜的表情,惊喜的声音:Jack!!! 而此时John变了脸色。

  同时Jack震惊地抬头,与面带笑容的公主对视,缓缓微笑。 《一直很安静》给你的爱一直很安静~~ 同时John手紧紧握成拳。


  John给公主一束花,公主神色淡漠,随手就扔给了侍女。Jack给公主一枝花,公主很开心地捧在手中,然后Jack替公主理了理鬓发。公主开心地靠入了Jack怀中。John愤恨离去。 《莫失莫忘》(待定) 灯光暗。



  Jack:I suppose you should know what will happen if you don’t marry Rose to me. King:I know you may destroy my country.But in my heart,nothing is more important than my daughter’s happines. Jack:Then you will go to the jail. 身后士兵上前,架住国王。

  King:You wil pay for what you do one day. John:You’d better mind your own bussiness firstly! 国王被架走。


  公主疾奔向John。 Rose:Where is my father? John顾自品茶,不做任何回答。

  Rose很着急,大声道:What do you want to do? John淡淡说:Marry you. Rose:what??!!

  John:If you marry me,I’ll release your ,no,our father.

  Rose:Impossible .I have found my MR.RIGHT.

  John:If you can’t be my wife.I will kill your father and destory your country. Rose受巨大伤害,踉跄倒退两步。 Rose:You are crazy.

  John:Yes,I’m crazy.It’s because I love you.You can’t imagine how deep my love is! 公主闻言心如死灰,身体僵硬,眼神呆滞。John拥抱住她,她依然呆滞,并不反抗。 灯光暗



  Jack拉住Rose,深情地望着她,Rose却将头偏向一旁,不敢直视Jack、 Jack:Why do you want to leave me?

  Rose:强忍心碎:Because I have been tried of you. Jack带上哭腔:No,no,no!I don’t believe .You are lying!! Rose挣脱Jack,表情痛苦,转身欲走。

  Jack:Can you answer my qusetion?The last question. Rose:Yes.

  Jack:Do you ever love me?


  说完决绝离去,边走边流泪,走至舞台边缘时,终于再也忍不住,失声痛哭。John遭受重创,痛苦蹲下,双手掩面。一会儿以后,失魂落魄地走了。 《流恋》副歌(0:55——1:30)


  Rose会经常魂不守舍,经常站在窗前凝思。这次Rose凝思了一会儿以后,坐到书桌前。开始拿笔划着什么,一笔一笔,极为认真。正巧John进来,一看,雷霆大怒。举起纸亮给观众看以后,生气地质问Rose:What’s this! Rose:My MR.RIGHT.


  Jack:Kill him.If he don’t die,you can’t realize who are your real MR.RIGHT. Rose:失魂落魄No…

  Jack:Don’t forget your father.

  Rose:Don’t hurt my father…Don’t hurt my father…please… John冷笑出门。



  Rose:tomorrow you are going to be back.So I take the wine.we can drink it together.


  Jack:Can you remember the first time we meet?

  Rose:Yes..you are tied to a tree..and..I save you..But,at last,you leave without telling me more.

  Jack:yes..at that time,I have loved you.You are so beautiful..I even want to take you away ..

  Rose粲然一笑, 为两人倒上酒。

  Rose :Let’s drink.Don’t waste the good wine. 两人都喝的一滴不剩。

  Rose:If one day,I died,don’t be sad.After all,we are not suitable. Jack:But …you are the first woman I love..though it turns out to be a joke.. Rose:Nothing can’t be overcome..

  Jack:Can I give you a hug for the last time?


  Jack走过去拥住Rose。Rose此时口吐鲜血,倒在Jack怀中,Jack方寸大乱。 Jack:What happened?How are you sp weak?How do you feel now? Rose:Listen to me,Jack.In fact,you are my MR.RIGHT.BUT we can’t get together..Actually,I love you very very much..

  Jack:Rose,don’t leave me ,don’t leave me..I beg for you.. Rose:Don’t cry..baby..I am very happy now.. Jack:the poison is in your cup,right?

  Rose微笑着:I am very happy now..Jack..I…love…刚要说出you时,在John怀中死去。John痛苦地大笑。然后饮尽那杯中剩下的酒。倒在Rose身边。

  Jack将手伸向Rose:In this way,we can get together.I can keep aside of you forever.

