
蘇蘇 1172分享


  1. 准考证上的考试日期格式为日/月/年;

  2. 考试当天考生须提前20分钟报到,如超过考试时间将不允许参加考试。报到时请出示:

  1) 准考证;2)带照片的有效身份证件原件(如护照、身份证、台胞证、学籍卡等),从今年起不再接受户口薄; 3) 正版曲目书(严禁盗版书或盗版资料;除八级考试因翻页困难可复印一页A4纸外,不得使用复印件)

  3. 报到时需确认三首考试曲目的编号及弹奏的顺序(如A3-B2-C1)以及是否先弹奏音阶;

  4. 临近考试时工作人员会带领考生至候考区域,其他任何人不得陪同;

  5. 除钢琴外,考生必须自带乐器并于考试前完成校音;

  6. 除钢琴、吉它和打击乐外,考生必须自带伴奏员;伴奏员只有在考生需要伴奏时才能进入考场;

  7. 除考试乐谱外,考生和伴奏人员一律不得将其他物品带入考场;

  8. 除从头反复(D.C.)和从记号反复(D.S.)的标记,请勿遵循曲目中的反复记号,除非大纲另有规定。如不清楚,请参照曲目书中的CD;

  9. 如果考官在音阶测试中要求演奏小调(未指定旋律或和声),考生应明白自己可任选和声小调或旋律小调(请注意考纲的相关内容);

  10. 钢琴音阶中文教材要求“双手间隔一个八度演奏,再分手演奏”,但考试中应根据考官指令进行双手或者单手弹奏;


  Notice for ABRSM Practical Exam

  1. The time format on admission card is dd/mm/yyyy.

  2. Be sure to check in 20 minutes ahead of the exam time. Late arrivals will not be allowed to take the exam. Please bring:

  1) Printed admission card;2) Original valid ID containing photos (eg. ID card, passport, school card, etc). Household Register is not allowed from this year; 3) Original books of the exam pieces (pirate books or pirate materials strictly forbidden; no photocopies except one A4 page for Grade 8 candidate having page turning difficulties).

  3. Please confirm the code and order of the three exam pieces(eg.A3-B2-C1) and whether scales are played first or not when checking in for the exam.

  4. ABRSM staff will take the candidate to the waiting area before the exam, without the company of anyone else.

  5. Candidates (except for piano) need to finish tuning before exam starts.

  6. Candidates, except for piano, guitar or percussion, need to bring their own accompanists. The accompanist is permitted to stay with the candidate at the waiting room and go into the exam room only while engaged in accompanying.

  7. Except books for exam pieces, candidates and accompanists are not allowed to take anything else into the exam room.

  8. Except da capo(D.C.)and dal segno(D.S.),please do not follow the repeats indicated in pieces, unless the syllabus specifies otherwise. Please refer to the CD attached in pieces book if not clear.

  9. If the examiner requires minor scales(without specifying harmonic or melodic) , candidates shall understand that they can play either harmonic or melodic (Please pay attention to Syllabus).


  The results of practical exam will be released on the ABRSM website(www.abrsm.sh.cn)2 weeks after the exam session.
