
李婷 1172分享

  英语 1。吸引更多的人 to attract more 2。一部文学作品 a literary work 3。重要角色 important role 4。根我所知 as far as I'm concerned /as far as I know 5。一个世界奇迹 a wonder of the world 6。到达顶部 climb to the top 7。故事的主角 main character 8。迷路 lose one's way 9。俯视 look down 10。一场艰苦的比赛 a tough game 11。代表。。。on behalf of /represent 12。国家训练中心 National Training Center 13。在。。。开始时 at the begining of 14。电子技术 electronic technique 15。一夜成名 become an overnight sensation 16。跑错道 run the wrong road 17。数码相机 difital camera 18。远离 keep away from 19。一本网络杂志 a network magazine 20。和。。。比较 to compare with 21。进行一次观光旅游 on a sightseeing 22。保护环境 protect the encironment 23。遵守规则 obey the rules 24。节约能源 save energy resource 25。对。。。有影响 have effects on 26。做物理实验 do physical experiments 27。注意 pay attention to 28。讲英语的国家 an English-speaking country 29。。。。的象征 the symbol of 30。以。。。为自豪 be proud of 31。设法做某事 manage to do sth. 32。被。。。吓坏 be frightened /scared by 33。接某人 pick up 34。祝贺某人 congratulate sb. 35。在后面 behind sth. 36。和某人说句话 speak to sb. 37。向某人学习 learn from sb. 38。确信 to make sure 39。运动中心 sports center 40。同意 agree with / to / on 41。日报 daily newspaper 42。处在麻烦之中 be in trouble 43。进行举重训练 have the training of weightlifting 44。垃圾食品 junk food 45。公共交通 public transportation 46。在。。。边缘 on the edge of 47。主人家 host family 48。体验生活 life tasting 49。购物中心 shopping center 50。发达国家 developed country 51。特别奖 special award 52。申请表 application 53。在远处 at a distance 翻译句子 1.你知道字母ID代表什么吗?Do You Know ( what)ID( stands ) (for )? 2.每个人都有机会赢得这次比赛.Everybody is in with (the )(chance )(of )( winning)the math. 3.那个老头脾气很坏,没有人不怕他.Everyone is ( afraid )( of )the old man with a ( bad) (temper ). 4.我在找一本我听说过的书.Iam ( looking )( for )a book I have ( hearded )a lot( of ). 5.他说服我买那本书.He( persuaded me to buy )the book. 写单词 1.有必要的 necessary 2.流行 popular 3.增长的 increasing 4.客人 guest/guestress 5.组织 organization 6.训练有素的 well-trained 7.进步 progress 8.太阳镜 sunglasses 寒假作业语文P10
