
小妹 1172分享



  1. 母爱的力量是无穷的,她的爱能让孩子遭遇到一切坎坷化为乌有。我认为母爱的地位在每个人心里是不可取代的,因为母爱永远使我们心灵的港湾,是我们永远的依靠,她的爱比海洋还要深远,比钻石还要耀眼。

  2. 母爱是温热心灵的太阳;母爱是滋润心灵的雨露;母爱是灌溉心灵的沃土;母爱是美化心灵的彩虹。

  3. 还有什么比父母心中蕴藏着的情感更为神圣的呢?父母的心,是最仁慈的法官,是最贴心的朋友,是爱的太阳,它的光焰照耀温暖着凝聚在我们心灵深处的意向!——马克思

  4. 世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。

  5. 孩子和母亲之间溢着深深的真切的不尽的爱。这种爱才是孩子和母亲永恒的精神支柱和我们民族生存的真正价值。——灏冰

  6. 母爱就像一首田园诗,幽远纯静,和雅清淡;母爱就像一首深情的歌,婉转悠扬,回味无穷;母爱就像一幅山水画,清幽秀丽,恬淡高雅。

  7. 记忆中的母亲啊!最心爱的恋人啊,您是我所有的欢乐,所有的情谊。

  8. 上帝不能无处不在,因此他创造了母亲。

  9. 母爱是灿烂的阳光,炽热而光明。她能融化冰川净化心灵蓬勃生机。她以博大的襟怀哺育生命呵护万物。

  10. 母亲,倘若你梦中看见一只很小的白船儿,不要惊讶它无端入梦。这是你至爱的女儿含着泪叠的,万水千山,求他载着她的爱和悲哀归去。——冰心

  11. 母爱,是一个摇篮,培养自己摇曳繁茂,母爱,是一支民歌,歌唱团结,传播文明;母爱,是一座丰碑,镌刻过去,启迪未来。

  12. 母爱是春天里的风,轻轻地吹拂着孩童的脸庞,使人神怡;母爱是夏日里的雨,滋润干渴的我们,给我们生的力量和希望;母爱是秋季里的夕阳,在最后时刻也会贡献出一点火热,温暖大地;母爱是隆冬里的火炉,竭尽全力地释放自己的能量,帮助人们度过一个春天般的严冬。

  13. 母爱乃世界上最伟大的势力。——阿瑟·米

  14. 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。

  15. 母爱是一首深情的歌,婉转悠扬,轻吟浅唱。

  16. 有许多人许多事,经历了转身便会忘记,但在我们的心灵深处永远不会忘记我们的母亲,永远不会因为岁月的流逝而消减我们对母亲那深深的爱。

  17. 母亲的爱就像那广阔的大海,像那浩瀚的宇宙,永无边际;像那奔腾的河流,永不停息。

  18. 我歌颂母爱,我赞美母爱,是因为母爱让我茁壮成长。

  19. 母爱是一片大海,让你的灵魂即使遇到电闪雷鸣依然仁厚宽容。

  20. 母爱是雪中的炭,给了我们温暖;是饥饿时的面包,给了我们营养;是孤独时的亲情,给了我们慰藉;是失败时的鼓励,给了我们勇气和信心。

  21. 母亲是本翻不尽的大书;母亲是座看不尽的远山。

  22. 母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即使在寒冷的冬天也能感到温暖如春;母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘依然纯洁明净。

  23. 您用尽自己毕生的精力,耗尽自己华美的青春,全力谱写了母爱这首无言的歌。

  24. 父母用他慈爱的眼泪,洗净我污浊的心灵,用爱心代替鞭打,他的眼泪胜过千言万语的训诫,愈加坚定我改过向善的决心,虽然当时我准备接受任何严厉的处罚,如果父亲真的责备我,可能会引起我的反感,而无益于我德性的进长。--甘地

  25. 母爱是人类情绪中最美丽的,因为这种情绪没有利禄之心掺杂其中间。——法国

  26. 母子之情是世界上最神圣的情感。——大仲马

  27. 赞美母亲的诗文已有太多太多,咏唱母亲的歌曲更是不可计数。而我眼中的母爱却是多姿多彩的。母爱时而像春天的天空,她的爱如同春雨一般滋润温柔;母亲时而像悠远的森林,她的爱如同冒险一样深不可测;母亲时而像险峻的高山,她的爱如同瀑布一般浩瀚澎湃;母亲时而像惊险的电影,她的爱如同画面一样千变万化。

  28. 妈妈代表上帝在人间撒播仁慈。

  29. 母苦儿未见,儿劳母不安。《劝孝歌》

  30. 母爱是一首深情的歌,婉转悠扬,轻吟浅唱。它是文学和音乐的永恒主题,文学以母爱为题,其文章便滋润蕴藉;音乐以母爱为题,其曲调便轻柔优美,余韵绵绵。

  31. 有的儿女使我们感到此生不虚,有的儿女为我们留下了终身遗憾。——纪伯伦

  32. 家是父亲的王国,母亲的世界,儿童的乐园。

  33. 母爱的真正体现似乎并不在于母亲对出生婴儿的爱,而是在于以后成长中对孩子的爱。——埃利希·弗洛姆

  34. 与肩挑贸易,勿占便宜。见贫苦亲邻,须多温恤。刻薄成家,理无久享。伦常乖舛,立见消亡。兄弟叔侄,须多分润寡。长幼内外,宜法属辞严。听妇言,乖骨肉,岂是丈夫。重资财,薄父母,不成人子。嫁女择佳婿,毋索重聘。娶媳求淑女,毋计厚奁。——朱子治

  35. 母爱就像空气,阳光和水,拥有它就拥有了世上的珍宝,什么也不能换取,它让平凡的生活充满色彩,但没有它,即使有世上的珍宝,也不过是一堆货物而已。

  36. 母亲!我歌颂你!我赞美你!你,好比一座阶梯,引导我们走向辉煌;你,好比一把钥匙,帮助我们开启那扇心灵之窗。

  37. 母爱是人类最纯洁最无私最珍贵的情感,每一个孩子无不享受着母亲给予的幸福和快乐。长长的人生之路,因为有了母亲的教育引导扶持,而变得那么自信和顺利,无论你走到哪里,她都伴你延伸顺畅。那悠悠的牵挂,那谆谆的叮咛,为你指点迷津,护你一路走好。

  38. 母亲那种献身精神那种专注,灌输给一个男孩的是伟大的自尊,那些从小拥有这种自尊的人将永远不会放弃,而是发展成自信的成年人。你有这种信心,如果再勤奋就可以成功。——多萝西.埃诺博士 (英国伦敦大学心理学家)

  39. 人们常说,母爱像大海那样深,像山峰那样高;母爱是任何东西都无法替代的。妈妈给予我的爱从来都是不计回报的。

  40. 在人生中,母亲乃是一切。在悲伤时,她是慰籍;在沮丧时,她是希望;在软弱是,她是力量。她是同情怜悯慈爱宽宥的源泉。

  41. 感恩是美德中最微小的,忘恩负义是品行中最不好的。——英国谚语

  42. 家庭是父亲的王国,母亲的世界,儿童的乐园。——爱默生

  43. 可怜天下父母心。

  44. 想起了母亲,志向消沉就会化为意气风发;想起了母亲,虚度年华就会化为豪情万丈;想起了母亲,羁旅漂泊的游子就会萌发起回家的心愿;想起了母亲,彷徨无依的心灵就找到了栖息的家园。

  45. 母爱是一种巨大的火焰。——罗曼·罗兰

  46. 世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。

  47. 母爱是多么强烈自私占据我们整个心灵的感情。——邓肯

  48. 无论我现在怎么样,还是希望以后会怎么样,都应当归功于我天使一般的母亲。我记得母亲的那些祷告,它们一直伴随着我, 而且已经陪伴了我一生。——亚伯拉罕·林肯

  49. 父子不信,则家道不睦。——武则天

  50. 母爱是女人心中是简单自然丰硕永不衰竭的东西,就像是生命的一大要素。——巴尔扎克


  I gave my mother a lot of trouble but I think she enjoyed it very much

  motherly love is always tireless

  Unforgettable mother's voice it is the comfort of injury is the encouragement of failure is the driving force of growth is the reason for success Listen to mother's love and happiness forever

  the memory of the mother! The most beloved lover you are all my joy all the friendship

  mother you are the big river and send my boat to the other side Mother you are an umbrella and protect me when I am in trouble Mother you are a book that taught me how to behave

  motherly love is the drizzle of moistening things and motherly love is the intoxicating spring breeze

  mother! You have the power to save the world in your hands

  mother the world's first kiss; mother love the world's first love

  all the glory and pride in the world come from mother

  motherhood is a harbor let us away from the wind and waves enjoy peace

  maternal love is selfless she will always cover you accompany you for life

  my life started from opening my eyes and falling in love with my mother's face

  the arm of a loving mother is composed of love How can a child sleep in it?

  I gave my mother a lot of trouble but I think she enjoyed it very much

  maternal love is so strong and selfish and fanatical to occupy the feelings of our whole heart

  diamonds are bright no mother's love is brilliant the sea is infinite and mother's love is not extensive

  I praise maternal love I praise maternal love because maternal love makes me grow strong

  maternal love is the bright light of the road so that we can see clearly the way forward and gain confidence

  there is no better deeper more selfless and more sincere feeling in the world than the love of the mother

  motherly love is pure always in the wind and rain when you come quietly to give you comfort and strength

  without the help of selfless and self sacrificing motherly love the child's mind will be a desert

  maternal love is great and selfless It immerses in everything and fills the world

  the memory of the mother! The most beloved lover you are all my joy all the friendship

  Everything else in the world is false empty and only the mother is real eternal and indestructible

  Maternal love is a thick quilt that warms your lonely tired and even scarred heart from time to time

  If my mother is the sky I am a bird flying freely in the sky If my mother is the sea I am a spray in the sea If my mother is the universe I am a star in the universe My mother is like a fire in winter warming my heart How great the maternal love is!

  Mother's love is the star of the night illuminating the way forward for us; Mother's love is the stream in the desert relieving our intolerable thirst; Mother's love is the gasoline in the locomotive giving us the power to move forward

  Mother's love is like a spring in the desert which springs up a ray of hope for the survival of the explorers; Mother's love is like a letter from her hometown which brings a family warmth to the wandering children; Mother's love is like a beacon in the ocean which guides the lost ship to a direction of return

  everyone says the greatest the most selfless and the most pure love is maternal love I think so too

  When you are happy it is the mother who gives when you become a person it is the mother who helps you walk through and then the mother is old

  Mother's love is a pair of warm hands when you are frustrated gently touching your heart; Mother's love is the beacon on the sea when you are at a loss to give you directions

  maternal love is a high mountain No matter how difficult you are she always depends on the barrier for us to support the overhead shade that high body shelter you from the wind and rain make you feel comfortable

  whether you walk to the horizon or the sea corner she will hang you up every moment

  what is maternal love? I couldn't define it exactly I knew she was waiting for me eagerly before I was born caring for me as I grew up wrapped around me and that love even penetrated into every pore of me until it consumed her ego and I didn't know it until late

  Like all mothers in the world greet us with cold and warm greetings shelter us from the wind and rain and dress us in stars and moons

  motherly love is like sunshine and it's all hot and hot when you feel it! Mother love is a pastoral poem long and clear; Mother love is a landscape painting natural and fresh; Mother love is a song gentle and affectionate

  motherly love is a deep love song melodious and melodious light singing shallow singing It is the eternal theme of literature and music Literature takes maternal love as its theme and its articles nourish it Music takes maternal love as its theme and its melody is soft and graceful with lingering rhyme

  Motherly love is like the spring rain which nourishes each of our young hearts; like a fan in summer which fans out our heat; like the weather in autumn which makes us relaxed and happy; like the stove in winter which makes us feel warm

  there is no more perfect deeper more selfless and more sincere feeling in the world than a mother's caress

  Maternal love is a zither in trouble When you are depressed the elegant melody flutters and the green is immediately in front of you Maternal love is a landscape painting washed away the lead carvings leaving a fresh and natural

