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  Five, "May is Dragon Boat Festival. Inserted Artemsia argyi, wearing sachet. Eat rice dumplings, sprinkle sugar. Shimizu Kiyoyo dragon boat. " Whenever I hear this song, think of the scene lively little during the Dragon Boat festival.


  The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the Miluo River to die of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Dragon boat racing to fishing to save Qu Yuan. Threw rice dumplings into the river, is to let the fish Jiao crab had eaten enough, not to eat his body. After a very long time evolution, to the river throwing dumplings became May in Chinese lunar calendar day to eat dumplings.


  The Dragon Boat Festival and weighing five, so many customs and "Five" the numbers together. The use of red, yellow, blue, white, black colored silk red line in the child's neck, wrist or ankle, said a long thread. Each must "five ends": Acorus calamus, Ai Cao, pomegranate flower, Ixora, garlic. The Dragon Boat Festival, eat yellow: yellow croaker, cucumber, salty duck, egg yolk, soybean valve package dumplings, drinking realgar wine.


  Ah, I really like the Dragon Boat Festival!






  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and our family get up at five o 'clock and go up to the dew in accordance with custom. All the way, I put my hands to the eyes with my glittering dewdrops, and I felt as if my eyes were brighter. The eyes were so bright as they sat in the classroom that they could read anything.

  After school, I spread my legs and ran home. As soon as I got to the door, I could smell zongzi, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw my father make a table for me to come home to eat. I had washed at the table, give mom and dad one solution liuxue86.com for a zongzi, sprinkle with sugar, then give my own solution to a beautiful triangle zongzi, sprinkle with sugar to eat with relish. At the dinner table, we eat and talk, the room is filled with the happy atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival, the smell of zongzi and the aroma of incense.

  Meal, mother gave me the ears with realgar wine, for my lips touch the lipstick, gave me a wrist red cord, dressed I like dumplings incense, let I to the school to learn.

  I love eating zongzi, love the Dragon Boat Festival and enjoy the festive atmosphere.



  Every May in Chinese lunar calendar is Dragon Boat Festival, do you know anything about it? Let me speak for you.


  Once upon a time, there was a patriotic poet Qu Yuan, once he went to Beijing to go to work, see a decline of state variable, then vote Miluo River to commit suicide. Before he died, he wrote a poem. People in order to commemorate the patriotic poet, the annual Lunar New Year in May at the beginning of a dragon boat festival.


  The main contents of the Dragon Boat Festival is the dragon boat racing, zongzi.


  Dragon boat racing scene is very lively, crowded shore. Just listen to the sound of gunfire, paddled boat people desperately, but the river is full of cheering.


  Rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves, is for filling, with glutinous rice. When the package is very sticky, not professionals, but the package is not good!


  In the Dragon Boat Festival, people will have the house clean, sprinkle realgar water in the kitchen, used to kill insect breeding.


  According to legend, the dragon boat race is to salvage the Miluo River to die of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Threw rice dumplings into the river, is to let the fish and shrimp to eat, not eat Qu Yuan's body.


  The Duanwu Festival, which is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is an ancient Chinese traditional festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. For thousands of years, various celebrating activities are held all around the country. Eating zongzi and racing dragon boats are the most pertinent ones, which are said to be in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet. In some places, people spread realgar wine on the children in the hope of protecting them from the evil spirits. Many people consider May as an especially dangerous time for diseases in a year, and therefore they hang moxa and calamus and things like that around the doors to ward off evil and diseases and pray for good luck.




2.关于端午节的英语作文 英语作文200字




