有关爬山的日记初一英语Climbing Luoshan爬大罗山

小玉 1172分享

  Climbing Luoshan   爬大罗山

  This morning, I went to Luoshan with the Han yang.


  We soon came to the foot of the great Luoshan. Looking at that beautiful big Luoshan, at this time, my heart Inside thought: this mountain is so high, I climb up? But listen aunt speak Longji above beauty, I a little curious and a little excited, I turned the excitement into strength, and Han Yang ran in the mountains of the road, like the flowers bloom like, who would not let anyone.

  我们很快来到了大罗山的山脚下。望着那美丽的大罗山,这时,我的心 里想:这山这么高,我爬得上去吗?但是听着阿姨讲着龙脊上面的美景,我把兴奋化为力量,和涵洋飞奔在山间的小路上,像 花儿争先开放似的,谁也不让着谁。

  Run and run, I have breath out of breath, this time, I asked aunt: "aunt, to the no ah?"" "Not yet, still on it." Aunt said. At this time I do not want to climb, suddenly, I saw many enjoys mountain climbing team, lady, there are several small fart child, I thought: I cannot lose to them it. I gritted my teeth, struggling to climb to the top, I finally climbed the mountain ridge!


  I stand in Longji mountain to breathe the fresh air and enjoy the beautiful scenery around, it is to let a person Feel good ah!


