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  英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组合而成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。 英语日记内涵丰富, 一起和小编来看看吧!


  Mother said that night to eat hot pot. I'm happy to jump up. So, my mother and I to the market to buy mutton, balls, Chinese cabbage, bean curd... At home mother is busy in the kitchen. "Hot pot" mother opened a transparent glass cover, suppressed for a long time a hold of the steam out of the restaurant overflowing the spied hot pot. I can't wait to eat a bite, but mother said: "even wait a will bring!" I anxiously wait for, finally boiled I picked up the chopsticks shoveled the food to a bowl eat it. "Eat slowly, is too hot to eat the intestines melting" dad taught me just like a big scholars, he can eat hot pot in gobble it actually. We had a family, leaving all their image to the outside of the cloud nine, the rest is just round belly, sweet sweet smell. Oh, and the most cordial and warm family atmosphere

  What a wonderful moment!

  妈妈说晚上吃火锅。我高兴的跳了起来。于是,我和妈妈到市场买了羊肉、丸子、白菜、豆腐.....回到家妈妈就在厨房里忙碌起来。“热腾腾的火锅来了”妈妈掀开了透明的玻璃盖,憋了许久的的蒸汽一拥而出,餐厅里溢满了火锅的香味儿。我迫不及待的想吃一口,可是妈妈说:“还要等一会要等开锅呀!”我焦急的等待者,终于开锅了 我拿起筷子把菜跳到碗里大口大口的吃了起来。 “慢慢吃,太烫的东西吃下去会把肠子融化的”爸爸像个大学者似的教导我,其实他自己也在狼吞虎咽的吃火锅那。我们一家人吃的热火朝天,把形象都抛到九霄云外了,剩下的只是圆圆的肚子,香香的气味。噢,还有最亲切、最温馨的家庭气息



  Today is on the first day, grandpa will be put off firecrackers in the morning, I got up early on, the thought of grandpa grandma happy New Year, I was particularly excited, because they give me the big red packets. I, mom and dad bought a two boxes of oranges to grandma's home, on the families of the door is red paper. The atmosphere of the New Year's day is happy satisfied. The saw uncle aunt say congratulation all the way through. Dad said I really polite. Unconsciously, we have to the public, grandpa home is busy, I wish grandpa grandma healthy body first, everything goes well, good luck in year of the horse.

  They gave me a big red envelopes, say I grew up faster this year high, learning progress. I thanked them one by one. The adults chat, we children all go to fireworks, all had a special time. New Year in the country, from the first day to the fifth are busy every day. I especially like the New Year in the countryside. Receive red envelopes I intend to keep for my mother, I'm going to buy a pair of sports shoes to mom. Because my mother you hard. I love you, mom, I wish mom happy year of the horse, health, more and more beautiful.




  Today my father and I bought match crackers, so-called match crackers is carrying firecrackers in a box on the edge of the spark of paper gently rub, after it was lit fireworks, firecrackers exploded in the voice is very loud. Learned to set off firecrackers on empty lots that were out of my brother and I came to the village put up, you one I a, we put the joy.

  When brother accidentally throw firecrackers into the stream, firecrackers exploding in the river, throwing up a lot of small water droplets, my brother and I found that playing in the river are much more interesting than playing on the field, then a barrage of throw firecrackers into the river. Splashing through the thick water in the river, a wave of a wave. Then an old woman had to say: "small classmate I was washing clothes, how could you set off firecrackers? Do you see the water splashed on my face, and one thousand throw firecrackers in the body, isn't that dangerous?." Listen to the words my brother and I are the bulge get red in the face. From set off firecrackers on this cause me to understand, no matter what matter all don't hurt others.

  今天我和爸爸买来了擦炮,所谓擦炮就是拿着爆竹在盒子边上的火花纸上轻轻的一擦,爆竹被点燃后就扔出去,鞭炮在地上爆炸声音很是响亮。 学会了放鞭炮我和哥哥就来到小区的空地上放起来,你一个我一个,我们放的不亦乐乎。

  这时哥哥一不小心把鞭炮扔进了小河里,鞭炮在河里炸开,溅起了很多小水珠,我和哥哥发现在河里玩比在空地上玩有趣多了,于是接二连三的把鞭炮扔进了河里。河里溅起密密的水珠,一波连这一波。这时有位老奶奶过来说:“小同学我在洗衣服,你们怎么可以放鞭炮?你们看水珠溅到了我的脸上,而且万一鞭炮扔在身上,那不是很危险?。”听了这句话我和哥哥都胀红了脸。 从放鞭炮这件事上使我明白,无论干什么事都不要伤害到别人。
