幼儿英语故事视频在线观看-THE GOLDEN BALL


  英文:   THE GOLDEN BALL   Type in a Name for the Princess   Type in a Name for the Prince   Select the Real Hero   Beaver Duck Turtle   Name the Real Hero   In a magical land far away, there was a palace that was home to a Princess named... and her brother, the Prince, named ....   One day, as prepared to go swimming, played by the pool with her favorite toy, a golden ball.   "La, la, la, la, la. I love my golden ball. It's the most beautiful ball of all! La, la, la, la, la!"   "That's it! I'm going scuba diving!"   "OK, I'll need this, and this, and this, and this, and this..."   Although the golden ball was 's most favorite toy in the whole world, she was not very careful with it.   In fact, she threw it so high into the air that it didn't come back to her but went into the pool instead.   Poor Princess! Fortunately, her brave brother, , was there to help her.   "La, la, la, la, la. I love my golden ball. "   "Uh-oh!"   "My beautiful golden ball! I've lost it forever!"   "Never fear, I'll use my super swimming skills and dive for it!"   "Great job"hero"! Try using your super power next time!"   "Don't worry! I'll try again!"   "Hmph!"   "You try running in flippers!"   Unfortunately, was not very successful. But the Princess didn't have to worry because help was on its way...   What story does this remind you of?   Beauty and the Beast The Frog Prince The Princess and the Pea

  译文:   金色的球   为公主输入一个名字   为王子输入一个名字   选择真正的英雄   海狸 鸭子 海龟   给这个真正的英雄起名字   在一片遥远的土地,有一座王宫,它是一个公主名叫......和她的哥哥,王子,名叫......的家。   一天,当......准备游泳的时候,......在游泳池旁边玩她心爱的玩具,一个金球。   "啦,啦,啦,啦,啦我爱我的金球。它是所有的球中最美丽的!啦,啦,啦,啦,啦!"   "就是它!我将带着水中呼吸器潜水!"   "好的,我需要这个,这个,这个,这个和这个......"   虽然这个金球是这个世界上最受宠爱的玩具,她并不是十分小心它。   实际上,她把它向空中抛的那么高以至于它没有回到她的身边,而是落进了水池中。   可怜的公主!幸运的是,她有一个勇敢的哥哥,......在那里帮助她。   "啦,啦,啦,啦,啦我爱我的金球。"   "哎呀!"   "我的美丽的金球!我永远失去了它!"   "不要害怕,我将使用我的超级游泳技术,潜水来找寻它!"   "好棒!英雄","下次再试你的超级能量吧!"   "不要着急!我再试一次!"   "啊!"   "你试着用脚蹼跑!"   不幸的是,......不是很成功.但是这个公主不用太着急,因为帮助来了......   (从此处开始根据选择的真正的英雄的不同,故事发展会有所不同。)


