
张洪 1172分享



  Family means so much for me, I have a big family, because my mother and my father have many brothers and sisters. Living in the big family, I feel the love all the time, we care for each other. Every week, my family will have a gathering, we will do some activities, so that we can keep in touch closely.


  It is important to keep in touch with the family members. Since we are busy with our own business in usual, so if we don't make the appointment, there is no way for us to meet. My family members keep the tradition to have the gathering every weekend. Sometimes we will have the big dinner, sometimes we will have the barbecue. These activities help us to keep the close relationship. We share our opinion, the parents are talking about their work stuff and the kids are playing happily.

  和家人保持联系是很重要的。由于我们平时都在忙自己的事务,所以如果我们不进行预约,是不可能见面的。我的家庭成员保持着每周有聚会的传统。有时候我们会 吃一顿大餐,有时候会进行烧烤。这些活动有助于我们保持紧密的联系。我们彼此交流意见,父母谈论他们的工作事宜,孩子就在高兴地玩耍着。

  Family gathering is a good way to keep in touch with each other. I enjoy the moment when all of us meet in a place. Communication helps us to solve the problem of isolation.



  A few days ago, I attended a friend's birthday party in our class, we play there is cricket. To like hockey, cricket is also holding a racket, but playing in his room. And is holding a ball slapping a ball with small holes. When we begin to be team consists of, the people are angry and surprised. Why is that? Because, to our team consists of that aunt seemed to know what we are thinking, threw us and our good friend points in different groups, but didn't also way, had to this. Alas! Later if I became the king, who put others and his friends in a different team, took him to the lions!

  The race began! Someone got the ball! He brought the ball to midfield, couldn't brought forward, and he passed in front of the players, the players had a man, and then shot, goal! Our spirit fell straight racket, their team shouted, cried, there is a person still at us quite a chest, head high head, as if to say: "you don't want to win our team forever!" I am even more angry at this time, very anxious to bring the boy and kill it!

  We can't, have to go to the midfield. We have a friend received the ball, I ran to the door, he just to me, I shot, the door! This time should be our proud, should they are depressed, it is fair! But then they scored more and more... Alas, if, in all our team not how!

  Finally we sing happy birthday, my all quick enough, and the adults all ears.

  That day is really happy! Unfortunately, the happy time in the past!


  Today, is the birthday of my cousin grace one one full year of life. We went to her birthday party.

  Our party is very different, not in the open, but the rooftop party in the attic. Although the party venue is very simple, but the content is very rich, sister planning a lot of fun games.

  Where we feel interesting game, is a game, guess that show you childhood photos, who can guess it right. First appeared on the big screen, of course, is the birthday person grace, because she was born in Spain, we don't know what is her birth? Results a lot of people guess wrong. His cousin a reed childhood photos let everybody laughed. Her head is small, the body is very big, fat, cousin and high noble nabokov two brothers stood in the balcony of their house, we can see a look, but they not see two people guess, but from their background behind it. Everyone was surprised to see his childhood photos also feel funny, guess pictures games bring a lot of beautiful memories, in surprise laughter all over this fun game.

  Another game is to find pieces of paper to do the task, the game gave us a suspense, because find pieces of paper based on the above number to complete the task. Because it was night, so I took my mother's cell phone when lighting tools to look for pieces of paper. Elder sister said, we all will spread out towards the destination to find pieces of paper, I suddenly found the two small pieces of paper, I want to find a originally, but thought of each person can only find two more to give to others, lost a lot of interest. However, I still continue to find little brothers and sisters. Paper is to find, but don't know what is waiting for my task, my heart is hanging? Later I heart bravery waiting for sister release task, result I worry about the white, my task is too simple, is 30 seconds on break five balloons and take a stool beside around one lap. I took five under three under two to stamping on a balloon, then no gas out of a picked up the stool to run up.

  The end of the party, everyone got a small gift, my baseball is playing on the beach, I can go to hainan to play, yeah ~ I am super like my gift.

  Grace's birthday party is really interesting! Waiting for the next year another party!


1.New Year Party-英语作文280字

2.描写爱好的英语作文带翻译-my hobby(2)


4.描写爱好的英语作文带翻译-my hobby


