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  《Whistle》美国说唱歌手弗洛·里达演唱的歌曲,由弗洛·里达、大卫·格拉斯、马库斯·基里安、贾斯汀·弗兰克斯、Breyan Isaac、安东尼奥·莫布里填词谱曲,收录在弗洛·里达第四张录音室专辑《Wild Ones》中,于2012年4月24日通过大西洋唱片发布 。

  该首歌于2012年8月25日在美国公告牌百强单曲榜登顶,在榜首位置一共停留了两周(非连续),成为弗洛·里达在该榜单上的第三支冠军单曲 。该首歌还在澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、波兰等全球约二十个国家登顶 。2013年5月19日,歌曲获公告牌音乐奖“最佳说唱歌曲”提名 。2013年3月,该首歌被作为可口可乐原叶茶的广告主题曲 。


  《Whistle》的制作人是贾斯汀·弗兰克斯和大卫·格拉斯 。曼尼·马洛魁恩、克里斯·加兰德和德尔伯特·鲍尔斯在Larrabee录音室完成了歌曲的混音工作,歌曲的录制在Glass Cuts录音室、Side 3录音室和大西洋唱片录音室完成,由胡安·奥尔蒂斯和大卫·格拉斯负责 。弗洛·里达表示这首歌的歌词是一种对性暗示的隐喻。他说:“我尽力把这首歌变得很纯净,但当你听它时,你还是会感受到其他的一些东西。”他当时带了几个男孩进录音室,他们给了弗洛·里达一些关于歌词的建议 。



  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

  Let me know

  Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it

  And we start real slow

  You just put your lips together

  And you come real close

  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

  Here we go

  (Look) I'm betting you like people

  And I'm betting you love freak mode

  And I'm betting you like girls that give love to girls

  And stroke your little ego

  I bet you I'm guilty your honor

  That's just how we live in my genre

  Who in the hell done paved the road wider?

  There's only one flo, and one rida

  I'm a damn shame

  Order more champagne, pull a damn hamstring

  Tryna put it on ya

  Bet your lips spin back around corner

  Slow it down baby take a little longer

  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

  Let me know

  Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it

  And we start real slow

  You just put your lips together

  And you come real close

  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

  Here we go

  Whistle baby, whistle baby,

  Whistle baby, whistle baby

  Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby

  Whistle baby, whistle baby

  Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby

  It's like everywhere I go

  My whistle ready to blow

  Shawty don't leave a note

  She can get any by the low

  Told me she's not a pro

  It's okay, it's under control

  Show me soprano, 'cause girl you can handle

  Baby we start snagging, you come up in part clothes

  Girl I'm losing wing, my Bugatti the same road

  Show me your perfect pitch, you got it my banjo

  Talented with your lips, like you blew out a candle

  So amusing, now you can make a whistle with the music

  Hope you ain't got no issue, you can do it

  Give me the perfect pitch, ya never lose it

  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

  Let me know

  Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it

  And we start real slow

  You just put your lips together

  And you come real close

  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

  Here we go

  Whistle baby, whistle baby,

  Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby

  Whistle baby, whistle baby,

  Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby

  Go girl you can twerk it

  Let me see you whistle while you work it

  I'mma lay it back, don't stop it

  'Cause I love it how you drop it, drop it, drop it on me

  Now, shawty let that whistle blow-oh, oh oh

  Yeah, baby let that whistle blow-oh oh!

  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

  Let me know

  Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it

  And we start real slow

  You just put your lips together

  And you come real close

  Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby

  Here we go

  Whistle baby, whistle baby,

  Whi-whistle baby, whistle baby,

  Whistle baby, whistle baby,

  Whistle baby, whistle baby


  《Whistle》是一首音调以C大调为主的流行说唱歌曲,背景音乐的伴奏乐器主要是吉他和口哨。歌曲以洗脑的哨声开头,十分完美。这种做法和魔力红乐队的《Moves like Jagger》很相似。但《Whistle》给人的影响更加深刻。副歌十分简单,但听众们不会在意,因为他们已经被节奏所征服 。弗洛·里达是可以把口哨这种小东西弄成一首完整的歌的大师。弗洛·里达通过“blow my whistle, baby”来吸引女孩的注意,但他的指令不会真正起效 。


  《Whistle》的MV由Marc Klasfeld执导,于2012年5月24日凌晨四点发布。MV以美女轻快的口哨声引入,随后镜头展现出美丽的碧海与蓝天,夏日海滩上的比基尼美女在尽情的玩乐,而弗洛·里达则是在海滩上赤裸着上身吸引对面的美女。到晚上,弗洛·里达站在美女们当中说唱,大家则在尽情狂欢,烟花四溅。

