
宇晴 1172分享


  On Thursday a new boy came into the classroom. He didn’t have any uniform on. Just trousers, a jacket and a shirt. Tom could see that the boy wasn’t quite comfortable. He had a plastic (塑料的) bag with exercise books, pens, pencils, rulers and erasers in it. The boy stood at the blackboard. Miss Fair talked to the boy, and then she said, “Boys and girls, this is Peter Rivers. He is your new classmate. Peter is your age. I hope you’ll get on well with each other. Peter will spend a lot of time together with you, and outdoors too.” Miss Fair asked Peter to sit next to Tom at the desk near the window.

  The students had math after that and Tom could see that Peter was not bad at it. He counted (数数) well. It was not difficult for him at all. Then Miss Fair said, “It is half past twelve. It’s time to have lunch.” Peter joined Tom and went to wash his hands. Then the boys sat down on the floor and started to open their lunch bags. Tom opened his bag and put his hand in it. He took out an old brown apple, some old cheese and some bits of fish from dinner. “Oh, no!” cried Tom. “This is rubbish. I have the wrong bag. I took the rubbish bag and left my lunch bag at home. I have only rubbish for lunch today.” The other children laughed and laughed. Then Peter said, “I have two eggs. Why don’t you have one? I don’t need two. And would you like some bread?” Tom smiled, “Thanks. Now I’ll always look in my lunch bag before I bring it to school.”

  ( )51. How many kinds of things did Peter have in his plastic bag?

  A. Three. B. Four.

  C. Five. D. Six.

  ( )52. Which of the following is TRUE about Peter?

  A. He wore a coat and a shirt to school.

  B. He had lunch in the school dining hall.

  C. He was disabled and couldn’t play outdoors.

  D. He had no trouble counting in the math class.

  ( )53. How did Tom feel when he saw what was in his lunch bag?

  A. Bored. B. Afraid.

  C. Excited. D. Upset.

  ( )54. What would Tom probably have for lunch?

  A. Bread and an apple. B. Cheese and an apple.

  C. Bread and an egg. D. Cheese and an egg.

  ( )55. What is the passage mainly about?

  A. Tom’s favorite teacher. B. Tom’s new classmate.

  C. Tom’s math class. D. Tom’s lunch.


  “Mom, you won’t believe what Anna’s grandfather bought her for her birthday!” shouted Michelle.

  “What?” asked Mom.

  “A horse,” said Michelle. “Can I have one for my birthday?”

  “No, Honey! I’m sorry but we don’t have enough money,” said Mom.

  Michelle walked to her room. The phone rang (响起铃声), and Michelle answered.

  “Will you get one for your birthday?” asked Anna. “We can ride them together.”

  “No,” said Michelle. “Mom said we don’t have enough money.”

  “Oh. Er... I have to feed Sir Charles. See you tomorrow,” said Anna.

  “Maybe I can help Anna feed Sir Charles,” thought Michelle. She picked up the phone, but her mom was on the phone.

  “That would be wonderful. I think she’ll enjoy the riding lessons,” said Mom.

  Michelle even didn’t hear her mom walk in the room.

  “Honey, I want to talk to you,” said Mom.

  Michelle put the phone down. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I was going to call Anna,” said Michelle.

  “So you heard about the riding lessons?” asked Mom.

  “Yes,” said Michelle.

  “I don’t have enough money to buy a horse, but I thought you’d like to learn to ride it. Mrs. Mayberry gives lessons every Saturday. She said you and Anna could be in the same class. I know it’s not the same as having your own horse, but ...” said Mom.

  “It’s better,” said Michelle.

  “Why?” asked Mom.

  “Anna has to feed Sir Charles every day. It takes lots of time,” said Michelle.

  “So you’re satisfied?” asked Mom.

  “Of course. It’s the best birthday gift ever,” said Michelle.

  ( )56. Michelle’s mom didn’t agree to buy her a horse because ______.

  A. she didn’t like horses

  B. a horse needed too much money

  C. Michelle didn’t have time to care for a horse

  D. it was dangerous for Michelle to ride a horse

  ( ) 57. Sir Charles was ______.

  A. a horse B. a dog C. Anna’s grandfather D. Michelle’s grandfather

  ( ) 58. The underlined word “eavesdrop” in the passage means “______” in Chinese.

  A. 抱怨 B. 放弃 C. 偷听 D. 拒绝

  ( )59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Michelle didn’t like feeding horses.

  B. Anna wanted Michelle to help her feed her horse.

  C. Anna’s father bought her a horse for her birthday.

  D. Michelle would learn to ride a horse from Mrs. Mayberry.

  ( ) 60. What’s the best title of the passage?

  A. A telephone call

  B. Anna and Michelle

  C. How to ride a horse

  D. The best birthday gift


  Hi! I’m Lilly. My family and I live in a big house. I’m 11 and I have a younger brother, Tom. He is 8.

  My mom is a nurse, and she works in a hospital. She works a lot, and usually at night. She doesn’t have enough time to do the housework, so my dad often helps her and he likes it. My dad works in a bank. He arrives home at about 4 p.m., so he can do a lot of things at home.

  Every evening Dad cooks dinner. My brother and I help him. After dinner Dad does the dishes and I help him dry them. Then we take a shower and Dad reads us short stories.

  In the morning, Mom makes breakfast. Tom and I make our beds. Then Dad takes us to school by car.

  On Saturday, we clean the house. I clean the furniture (家具) and Dad sweeps the floor. Tom takes the rubbish out and waters the plants. Dad likes cleaning the windows but he hates ironing (熨). He never does it. My grandma comes to us twice a week and she irons our clothes.

  On Sunday, we wash the car together and Dad often takes us to play in the park and eat in our favorite restaurant.


  ( )61. Lilly is four years older than Tom.

  ( )62. Lilly’s mom never works at night.

  ( )63. Lilly and her brother go to school by car.

  ( )64. Lilly’s brother is so little that he can’t do any housework.

  ( )65. Lilly’s father doesn’t like ironing, but he likes cleaning the windows.

  第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共45分)

  四、单词拼写(共10小题, 计10分)


  66. There was a(n) ____(通知) on the board saying the class had been cancelled (取消).

  67 One of the boys was pushing the other along in a little box on ________ (轮子).

  68. We should care for the ________ (有残疾的) people.

  69. The bus stopped to let the p off.

  70. People in the western countries often eat with k and forks.

  71. Stop ________(扔) stones at that dog!

  72. Everyone put their ________(手指) in their ears because of the big noise.

  73. I wish your kids would ________(折叠) up their clothes!

  74. He makes a terrible ________(杂乱) of the kitchen when he’s cooking.

  75. I asked if I could read the letter, so she ________(递) it to me.



  sell, what, shoe, buy, on, he, poor, beautiful, agree, nothing

  A shoemaker and his wife (妻子) lived in a small village. They were very (76)________, and each day they grew poorer and poorer.

  At last there was (77)________ left in the house, but leather (皮革) for one pair of shoes. “I will cut it out for the last pair of (78)________,” said the shoemaker. “ Tomorrow I will sew (缝) them.” So he cut out the leather and left it (79)________ his chair.

  The next morning he went to make the shoes. (80)________ did he see?

  A pair of shoes, nicely made and ready to be sold. The shoes were so fine that the shoemaker (81)________ it very soon.

  With the money the poor shoemaker (82)________ leather for two pairs of shoes. He cut out the leather for the shoes and left them on (83)________ chair.

  The next morning when he went to make the shoes, he found the two pairs of shoes were already made. The shoes were very (84)________, and some people in his neighborhood asked him to make one for them.

  The shoemaker (85)________, but he was a little worried. He didn’t know who made the shoes for him. Can you help him?





  86. The children are dressed in their best clothes to celebrate the Spring Festival


  87. My daughter was writing a letter while the other children were playing outside.


  88 .当他们听到这个好消息时,他们都欢呼了起来。


  89. 他们起得很早,以便能赶上第一班车。


  90. 我的法语现在相当不错——我在工作中反复用到它。



  When a person is hurt or suddenly (突然) becomes ill, people give him immediate (立即的) care. We call it first aid. (91)______ Immediate action is necessary when someone loses lots of blood or when breathing stopped for a short time.

  Everyone should know something about how to care for a person with a sudden illness. Even a small injury (损伤) can be very dangerous. (92)______

  When first aiders face a sudden situation, they must be able to keep calm (镇静的) and organize other people to help. He or she must know how to control blood and take care of injuries.( 93)______

  In our country, hundreds of people die in traffic accidents every year because most people don’t have first aid information. (94)______ We may face a sudden situation anywhere. One day somebody from our family may get hurt or suddenly become ill. (95)______

  A. If more people know about first aid, more lives could be saved.

  B. If we don’t want to be helpless in such a situation, we have to know first aid.

  C. When there is a sudden situation, time is very important, so first aid plays a very important role.

  D. Knowing how to move the injured without causing (引起) more injuries is also very important.

  E. And it may result in death, so everyone should know something about first aid.



  The number of the students Chores Likes or dislikes Reason

  20 clean the room


  10 do the dishes


  5 wash clothes

  relaxing, easy

  3 × × ×



  一. 单项选择: (共35小题,计35分)

  1-5 BDDAC 6-10 DABCB

  11-15 CABAD 16-20 BDACA

  21-25 BABBC 26-30 CCCAB

  31-35 CAABC

  二. 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)

  36-40 BCACD 41-45 ABDCD

  三、阅读理解(共20小题, 计30分)

  46-50: AADDB 51-55 CDDCB

  56-60: BACDD 61-65:BBABA

  四、单词拼写(共10小题, 计10分)

  66: .notice 67. wheels 68. disabled 69. passengers 70. knives

  71: throwing 72. fingers 73. fold 74. mess 75. passed


  76:was 77 to have 78 wrote 79 invited 80 would come

  81 brought 82:sang 83: ate 84: will 85: forget


  86: 孩子们穿上最好的衣服来庆祝春节。

  87: 我女儿正在写信时,其他的孩子都在外面玩耍。

  88: They all cheered up when they heard this good news.

  89: They got up early so that they could catch the first bus.

  90: My French is quite good now — I use it all the time in my job.


  91-95: CEDAB

