
王乐 1172分享



Good morning, it's my honor to stand here and give you this speech about dreams. There I want to start my speech with two short stories.

The first story happened when I was in primary school, I wrote in my composition that my dream was to be a teacher when I grew up. Meanwhile, what my classmates wrote about their dreams was that he or she wanted to be a doctor, a scientist or an astronaut.

The second story happened at my first year in university. At the careers planning class, when the teacher asked about our dreams, one of my classmates stood up and said, “I want to be a farmer, because I grow up in a farmer's family and I love to be engaged in agriculture.” When he sat down, everyone clapped.

These two stories happened during my growth process, from which I got my understanding of dreams. When I was a child I believed that a dream must be a big dream, but when I grow up I find this big dream is so far away from me, I know little about it, and I have done nothing to achieve it, so it's not my dream. My classmate's answer let me know a real dream is not just about being a great man, or doing a great job, it's about what you really want to be, and are willing to try every effort to pursue it.

Because what makes a dream valuable is not just about the result, it's also about the process, the process when you are trying, when you are struggling, when you failed and restarted again and again, because of the process, dreams can be meaningful and become your wealth.

Thank you.


Nothing is difficult if you put your heart on it。 Nothing is easy if you don’t try your best。

We often hear people say, “Never give up。” This can be encouraging words and words of determination。 A person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails。 In my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have。 Therefore, I believe that we should never give up。

One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything。 It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again。 Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people。 Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort。 If we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted。 Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives。

Probably the greatest e_ample of persistence is Abraham Lincoln。 Born into poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life。 He lost eight elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown。

He could have quit many times - but he didn't and because he didn't quit, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country。

Lincoln was a champion and he never gave up。

In short, it is important that we don’t give up when working for our goals。 Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to bee better, more confident people。 Furthermore, if we give up, we have no chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day。Thank you very much!


verytime I am asked what I want to do in the future。 I think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job。

Doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting with diseases and making people feel good。 I think it is a pleasure to try my best to bring happiness to others。 It is a feeling of pride and I am fond of it。 In modern life, a mass of people work day and night to seek wealth and as a result they ignore their health。 It is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life。 I dreamed to be an e_cellent doctor who can help them have a right to enjoy life again。 Curing people is a doctor's holy responsibility。

Being a doctor is my dream job, now I should study hard to gain more knowledge to reach my goal。


the footsteps of the 2010 world e_po is getting closer and closer to us, civilized and harmonious call is still ringing in my ears。 shanghai, china obtained the right to host the world e_po 2010, e_po 2010 shanghai china will be a world event, the development of shanghai's new round of golden opportunity, as it is an important embodiment of our national spirit。

world e_po is a great influence and a long history of international activities, is the largest gathering of human beings。 people from around the world gathered in one place display their products and skills, boast of their hometown and motherland。 e_po set the culmination of human civilization, which has a unique appeal, make you feel surging。

world e_po is a platform, we are the masters。 she put up a platform for us to let the world know us; she built a bridge for us, so we better municate with the world。 this platform may let us display self wantonly。 we are the masters here, we have to landlord, let guest e_perience enthusiasm and happiness。

everyone to contribute for the e_po, we are no e_ception, as a living piece of fertile land in pudong's teachers, we are proud and pride。 in the vision of a better tomorrow, we have to do for the world e_po will own a wonderful ability, we have through our hands, warm heart and sincerity to practical action to achieve the mitment of shanghai to the world。 we should educate the many students: do not throw garbage anywhere, no spitting, no jaywalking 。。。 。。。, hello, thank you frequently mention, let the material on this city with the new york parable to the spiritual civilization。 educate our students to e_citing 2010, willing to shanghai's future by copies of power, if only planted a small tree, participants in the shanghai world e_po foreign guests feel: this is a forest city, pollution-free city, ancient and civilized city。 better city, better life! until the time of the 2010 e_po, then, we want to bee a glorious volunteers, to changing our foreign friends in shanghai and china'

long history, about our education for the world e_po will contribute their efforts。

we e_pect the majority of teachers will be great enthusiasm for the world e_po into practical action to meet the world e_po, the e_po will be a total growth, and the city of development, the development of shanghai devote their efforts to advance hand in hand with shanghai。


Good evening, everyone 。 May I take this opportunity of thanking you for ing`, my name is __ ,I'm a sophmore ,major in Chinese from class one

This is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and I believe I can make good performance today。 the ne_t four minutes will change your attitude to internet and society。

With the increase of global Internet users and the rapid development of related technology, in recent years, people are developing an inseparable relationship with internet ,as is known to all ,it is convenient for us to click the mouse when surfing on line ,either to entertain or to meet the work’s need 。and I still believe that In the near future, the network will affect people's life and society further 。

One the one hand ,no one denies that internet is currently one of the most useful media in our daily life ,as a college student ,I get on line everyday to obtain and e_change information with it ,we have to say internet do a great help for all of us。 Everything lives with opposite forces。 The same can be said about modern technology, such as Internet。 We also have enough evidence indicating that the Internet can be a harmful influence on people。 A great many people admit that they are too much addicted to internet too maintain a regular and health lifestyle 。 Some children addicted in playing the games on the internet without study 。Some of the people using the internet to do some illegal things which loses people's properties and hurt someone's feelings。

Thus ,it is necessary for us to use internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence 。after all。 internet is invented to enrich our life ,and to improve the effiency of our work rather than shackle us with a chain 。 I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here 。You have been a very attentive audience---thank you。


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