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The National Day that day, the air crisp, the square every lamppost hang flags, the first tree hanging from the lights, the square is dressed up more colorful. In the morning, in every corner of the square has been full of singing away.

On one side of the square, why so busy? Oh, here is a big stage, the stage a few graceful actor in singing and dancing. Whenever the stage after a performance, the audience's applause like flowing water continuously.

Look at the other side of the square, why more lively? Oh, there are many people in the activity! You see, the old people in exercise done of passion; Young people in the following table, singing, chat while walking, and the... Can be taken; The children like fish into the water, happy to play the game...

I like the National Day, I prefer the noisy, vibrant scene National Day!






Today is the annual national holiday, is a happy day.

I and my father and mother go to the zoo to play. We entered the park, we saw where the sea of people, like a long queue, more like a happy ocean.

Animal in the zoo is so much! There are cute little bunny, there are bulky gorillas, and that beautiful peacock. There are mandarin ducks in the water play, I throw food to them, they immediately ran over to snatch, really too cute. The most interesting is the monkeys of the iron gate, where they jump and jump, there is a group of macaques in the grab bottle! As long as some people take the bottle to tease them to play, they are very flexible to come to grab. Some naughty little children handed them Coke, they are not polite, took a big mouth to drink up. This is really a group of naughty and smart monkeys!

Go all the way, from time to time the birds flew over my head, twitter, as if to welcome us to come. The river fish in the free to swim, so comfortable, how I hope that they can become a fish, and they can play with them. Today is a good day, I really want to sing, the motherland I love you!






The year is the annual National Day on October 1, the birthday of our great motherland. Along with ups and downs, it’s been 71 years of our mothers, this day, this nation will celebrate the festival at the venue. Early in the morning, we go to school, at school, some students out of bulletin boards and painting; Some do greeting cards, open class meetings with a special theme; Others through diaries, poems and other forms expressed her love for the motherland. National Day holiday, the students have to stay at home with Mom and Dad together, the cruise sites, the great cultural experience. Shop at the door with balloons and colorful flags, red, yellow and green : :permeated with an atmosphere of jubilation. Everybody inside, in the original discount, launched a series of promotional activities. Street sea, but also rank long car buying service, the fight must wait long periods. Scenic visitors like long, countless men, women and children in which to do that people have been taking advantage of the festive play out. Almost no empty parking places, restaurants, hotels, the revenue will be substantial.

Distant uncle, made a phone call to tell us that the Beijing National hot topic. I would like to go to Beijing to see Tiananmen Square, we see the face of great capital, and uncle, I have arranged to get together with the Beijing next summer.

National Day is a happy holiday, really raising people’s living standards rapidly. In her mother’s embrace of the motherland, happiness to grow and wish the motherland mother always beautiful, always prosperous and wish the motherland has become more prosperous and developed.


远方北京的叔叔打来电话告诉我们,北京国庆热闹非凡。我很想去北京,看看天安 门,看看我们伟大首都的面貌,我和叔叔已经约好明年暑假一起同畅游北京。



Is the annual National Day on October 1st, is the motherland mother's birthday. Mother 71 years old this year, so the entire country is permeated with a festive atmosphere.

In this atmosphere, our family went to the beautiful scenery of my grandma's.

Having eaten his dinner, at noon, we will wander in the field sales, appreciate pastoral scenery, when go to grandma's home, looking at the small chili, lettuce like flowers, bamboo of the chili... All let a person feel a burst of joy. However, continue to go forward, there is no such good things。

A pond, all is a group of a group of dead float on the water, next to the orange trees have withered.

We go on to ten meters, orange trees and fruits, leafy. It is really strange, like others said soil different!

We are along the mountain road to the capital, along the way, mom and dad introduced me to stop, also some of their childhood story....... It's getting late! We from another road back to my grandma's, all the way along the way we see there are a lot of purslane joshed the purslane picked a big, very anxious to have a pocket put them down, that's all We have returned to my grandma's.

The National Day didn't go outside to travel, but go to my grandma's also full of my eyes!

十月一日是一年一度的国庆节,是祖国母亲的生日。祖国母亲今年71周岁了,因此全国都洋溢着喜庆的气氛 。








Today, the founding of the People's Republic of China on the 71th anniversary of the National Day, Fuzhou streets and alleys everywhere people gongs and drums gongs and drums people are endless.

I heard that my grandfather said that fifty-seven years ago, our country had not yet been liberated, and the people had been oppressed by the reactionary forces of the Kuomintang and lived a fiery life, defeated the Kuomintang and established New China under the leadership of Chairman Mao's Communist Party. From the people live a happy life. The end of the old society hunger and cold life. Our country has shown a thriving scene of prosperity and prosperity.

We cherish the beautiful life now, thank the party leadership, today's well-being of life is not easy.







2019国庆节的英语日记 关于国庆节的日记6篇









国庆节是由一个国家制定的用来纪念国家本身的法定假日。它们通常是这个国家的独立、宪法的签署、元首诞辰或其他有重大纪念意义的周年纪念日。今天小编为大家精心挑选了国庆节假期英语日记,供大家阅读和参考,希望对大家有帮助!国庆节假期英语日记1The National Day that day, the air crisp, the square every lamppost hang flags, the first tree hanging from the lights, the square

