5068教学资源网 > 学习宝典 > 英语 > 学习园地 > 英语词汇 > 六年级上册重点英语词汇学生必背







Unit 1

by (经,乘)






ship 船;舰

subway 地铁


go to school(上学)

fifth 第五


traffic light(交通灯) traffic rule(交通规则)



remember 记住

get to(到达)

find 寻找;找到

difference 不同;区别

same 相同的

every 每个;所有的

country 国家

always 总是

mean 意思是

drive 驾驶

right 右边的

side 边

England 英国

Australia 澳大利亚

however 但是

left 左边的

if 如果

must 必须

know 知道

Unit 2


post office(邮局) hospital(医院)

cinema(电影院) bookstore(书店)

science museum 科学博物馆

excuse me 对不起 where(在哪里,到哪里) please(请)

next to(与…相邻)

far 远

supermarket 超市

bank 银行

after school 放学以后

want 想要

buy 买

a pair of 一双

shoe store 鞋店

get off 下车

minute 分钟

north 北

south 南

east 东

west 西


right (右边)




twelfth 第二十

party 聚会;晚会

tell 告诉

start 开始

take 乘坐

look for 寻找

Unit 3

next week(下周)

this morning(今天上午) this afternoon(今天下午) this evening (今天晚上)

tonight 今晚

tomorrow 明天

take a trip 去旅行

read a magazine 阅读杂志

go to the cinema 去看电影

theme park 主题公园

the Great Wall 长城

busy 忙碌的

together 一起地

comic book(漫画书)

post card(明信片) newspaper(报纸)

magazine 杂志

dictionary 词典 ;字典


fruit stand 水果摊

pet shop 宠物商店

need 需要

plant 植物

else 其他;另外

shop 商店

Unit 4


ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车)


play the violin— playing the violin(拉小提琴)

make kites—making kites(制作风筝)

collect stamps—collecting stamps(集邮)

show 展览

pen pal 笔友

dear 亲爱的

twin 双胞胎之一

something 某事物

must 一定;肯定

fun 快乐;乐趣

with 同…

TV reporter电视台记者

live –lives(居住) teach--teaches(教) go--goes(去) watch--watches(看) read--reads(读,看)

does doesn’t=does not

different 不同的

week 星期;周

say 说

soon 不久

excited 兴奋的;激动的

Unit 5

singer(歌唱家,歌手) writer(作家)




TV reporter(电视台记者)

Hong Kong 香港

engineer(工程师) accountant(会计) policeman(男警察) salesperson(销售员) cleaner(清洁工)

company 公司

where(在哪里,到哪里) work(工作)

factory 工厂

design 设计

tip 有用的小建议

help 帮助

money 钱

well 好;对;满意地

enjoy 从…获得乐趣

tourist 旅行者;

way 路;道

motor cycle 摩托车

police 警方;警察部门

Unit 6


cloud (云)

vapour 蒸汽;水汽



come from(来自,从…来)

shine 照耀

become 变成

little 小的

drop 一滴

wake up 醒来

feel 感觉到

think 想;思考

meet 遇见

high 高的

other 其他的

fall 落下

down 向下

into 进入

come out 露出

again 又



sprout (苗,芽)


should (应该)


garden 花园

easy 简单的

put 放

several 一些

day 天

see 看见

pot 锅碗瓢盆

lovely 可爱的

make sure 核实

month 月份

still 仍然

hardly 几乎不


1 What are your _____ ( 爱好)?

2 This is my new ______( 笔友)。

3 Does she like _____(唱歌)?

4 I ___( 居住 ) in Changchun。

5 Does your sister go ____( 远足)?

6 I go to school by bike .But my brother ___( go)to school.

7 Does your pen pal like ____( draw) pictures ?

8 What about going ____( swim) thi afternoon ?

9 Let’s ___( go) together.

10 Mr Green ____( live) in Australia .

11 How ___( do) he go to school ?

12 He____(live ) in the city .

13 What does he ___(like ) ?

14 I ___(have ) a pen pal .

15 There ___( be ) a stamp show on Sunday .

16 Can he ___( go ) with us ?

17 He _(like)climbingthemountains,Ilike___(play ) football.

18 My mother is a teacher .She ___(teach ) math.

19 What is pen pal’s ___( hobby ) ?

20 Can you ____________(猜字迷 ) ?

21 He likes ———( 做中国菜)

22 My pen pal ——————( 住在)Shang hai .

23 Chen jie often ——————(读故事)

24 I often ————(踢足球)

25 Do you ____( like ) fruits?

26 Yes, I _____ ( like ) oranges very much.

27 Does Chen jie ___ (like ) vegetables ? Yes, she ___(like ) cabagesnvery much.

28 How do you ____(feel) ?I___( not) feel very well.

29 How does Da Ming _ (feel ) ?He ___( not ) feel very well.

30 They _____( have ) a cold.

31 Sarah ___ (have ) a toothache.

32 Mother ____( get up) at six in the morning . I ____(get up ) at six thirty every morning.

33 I usually go to school by ______( 自行车 )

34 You must pay attention to the ______(交通信号灯 )

35 How can I get to the Science Museum ?_______________( 右转弯 ).

36 What are you going to do this weekend ? I am going to __________( 看电影 ).

37 If you feel angry , you should ______( 深吸一口气 )

38 Oliver is going to take a trip____(明天 ).

39 I usually go to school by ____( 自行车 ) .

40 Is your father a _______( 邮递员 ) ?

41 What’s your hobby ? I like ____( 游泳 ).

42 The cat is _____( 高兴的 ) with them.

43 Where ___( he ) ___( 工作 ) ?

44 Turn left at the _____( 书店).

45 Stop and wait at a red _____( 灯)

46He is a ____( 商人 ).He often ____( 去 ) to other countries.

47 They are going to ________( 看电影 ) this evening .

48 What is your brother’s ____( 爱好 ) ? He ___( like ).__(游泳)

49 First let’s turn right , then _____ ( 直走 ) .

50 How can I get to the _____ _( 邮局 ) ?


1.They are afraid of him.

此句中be afraid of 意为“ 害怕某人”。 例如: I am afraid of my maths teacher. 我害怕我的数学老师。

2.The cat is angry with them.

此句中be angry with意为“ 对某人生气”。例如: I broken the cup. My mother is angry with me. 我打碎了杯子。 妈妈对我很生气。

3.What’s wrong?

此句用于询问对方有什么问题或有什么不顺心的事情, 意为: 怎么啦? 出什么事了?

例如: A: What’s wrong, Jim? 吉姆,你怎么啦?

B: Maybe I am ill. 也许我病了。

4.He should see a doctor this morning建议某人应该做某事的句型

此句中should 为情态动词,表示“应该,应当”。此句用来给别人提建议。例如:

He should work harder. 他应该更加努力。

You should help your mother with the housework. 你应该帮你母亲做家务。

5. What are you doing?

此句是现在进行时态的特殊疑问句, 其基本结构为:疑问词+be+主语+其他?例如:

What is he doing now?回答:He is swimming.

肯定句结构为:主语+be+动词-ing形式+其他.例如:We are running now.
