
莉莎 1172分享

  2. so表“指代”:即指代一个肯定的从句。例如:

  a. --- Is it going to rain?

  --- I'm afraid so (=I'm afraid that it is going to rain).

  b. He might be late. If so (=If he is late), we'll have to go without him.


  c. We should hurry up. If not (=If we don't hurry up), we might miss the first part of the movie.

  d. ---Will they show up at the party?

  --- I suppose not (=I suppose they won't show up at the party).

  3. so修饰先行词的时候,定语从句用as来引导。

  a. He is so honest a person as never lies. (as是关系代词,指代先行词person,在定语从句中充当主语。)


  b. He is so honest a person that he never lies. (that引导的是结果状语从句。)


  c1. The teacher assigned so difficult a problem as nobody could work out.

  c2. The teacher assigned so difficult a problem that nobody could work it out.

  4. “so +形容词或副词”置于句首,句子要主谓倒装:

  a. So addicted was the boy to the computer game that he could not tear himself away from it. (动词was置于主语the boy之前。)

  b. So fluently does he speak Japanese that he is often mistaken for a native speaker. (助动词does置于主语he之前。)