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  Dear World:


  My son starts school today.


  It's going to be strange and new to him for a while, and I wish you would sort of treat him gently.


  You see, up to now, he's been king of the roost.


  He's been boss of the backyard.


  I have always been around to repair his wounds, and to soothe his feelings.


  But now--things are going to be different.


  This morning, he's going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand and start on his great adventure that will probably include wars and tragedy and sorrow.


  To live his life in the world he has to live in will require faith and love and courage.


  So, World, I wish you would sort of take him by his young hand and teach him the things he will have to know.


  Teach him - but gently, if you can.


  Teach him that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every crooked politician there is a dedicated leader; that for every enemy there is a friend.


  Teach him the wonders of books.


  Give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill.


  Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.


  Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong.


  Teach him to sell his brawn and brains to the highest bidder, but never to put a price on his heart and soul.


  Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob...and to stand and fight if he thinks he's right.

  Teach him gently, World, but don't coddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.


  This is a big order, World, but see what you can do.


  He's such a nice little fellow.



  Dear Myself,


  Life is scary. One day you wake up feeling like you can take over the world, and the next day you wake up feeling like all you want to do is to lay in bed and hide from everything.


  People walk into your life, grab your hand, and lead you the most beautiful path you've known, but sometimes the same people let go of your hand without warning, and you become stranded at a place where you never thought you'ld feel lost.


  Let's be honest, sometimes everything is going so great and it seems like nothing could go wrong , but right when you begin to think that, something so horrible comes crashing down and all of a sudden more problems come ricocheting around you and you just feel so hopeless cause it's so bad...


  It's so hard to understand why such things happen in life,and I personally wish I had an answer to that "why?" you always ask yourself , but all I can say that is no matter how hard life gets,you have to keep going. The life around you will never stop going on.


  I'll be honest and say that sometimes I feel a little bit worried and all I can think is "will I be able to keep up? What if everything goes too fast?" But I realized that being scared and living with that burden of running away from problems only slow me down even more.


  And I've come to the point where I believe that because life never stops, I shouldn't stop either. It's okay to take break and to give yourself time to heal, but you cannot give up and you cannot quit.


  Keep positive, fill you heart with gratitude for what you already have, and always remind to humble and true to who you are!


  With Love,


  Your Soul



  My dear friend


  I know of no medicine fit to diminish the violent natural inclination you mention; and if I did, I think I should not communicate it to you. Marriage is the proper remedy. It is the most natural State of man, and therefore the state in which you will find solid Happiness.Your reason against entering into it at present

  我知道没有药物能够消除你们所提到的那种疯狂的自然倾向; 即使我知道,我想我也不该告诉你.婚姻是适当的药物。它是人类最本能的状态, 因此是一种最幸福的生活状态。你拒绝现在进入婚姻殿堂的理由显的不够充分.你认为推迟婚姻可能存在好处,不仅不一定实现,而且,那些利益跟婚姻本身以及婚 后的安定相比

  appears to be not well founded. The circumstantial advantages you have in view by postponing it, are not only uncertain, but they are small in comparison with the thing itself, the being married and settled. It is the man and woman united that makes the complete human Being, Separate she wants his force of

  起来就微不足道了。男人和女人只有联合起来才能组成完整的人.女人缺乏男人的力量和周密的推理,而男人缺乏女人的温柔、感性和敏锐的洞察力。 因此当男人和女人联合起来。就能够无往不胜。单身和离婚生活的男男女女不可能具有婚姻生活中的价值,是一种不完善的动物。他简直好比半把剪刀--孤掌难 鸣。

  body and strength of reason; he her softness, sensibility and acute discernment. Together they are most likely to succeed in the world. A single man has not nearly the value he would have in that state of union. He is an incomplete animal.He resembles the odd half of a pair of scissors.


  If you get a prudent, health wife, your industry in your profession, with her good economy, will be a fortune sufficient.


  Your affectionate Friend


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