
嘉馨 1172分享


  1、One of these understandings was that unless one sought sincerely whatever he most wanted, he surely would not find it, and that what he really had been seeking most of his life was not what he wanted but instead was justification for the resentment he felt.

  【结构简析】复合句,主语 + be + 表语从句1 + and + 表语从句2。表语从句1由“状语从句+ 简单句”构成,该状语从句结构是“主语 + 谓语 + 宾语从句”。表语从句2的结构是“主语从句(由双下划线表示) + be + 表语从句”;he felt是定语从句,修饰resentment。


  2、This was not to say there was no cause for the resentment, but rather that he had so concentrated upon it that he could not see that the picture was not all bad --- that in fact, there was considerable good in it.

  【结构简析】简单句,主语 + was + 表语(不定式 + 宾语从句1 + but + 宾语从句2);宾语从句2的结构为:主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 结果状语从句,该状语从句的结构为:主语 + 谓语 + 宾语从句1 + --- + 宾语从句2。

  【参考译文】这并不是说没有理由怨恨,而是说他过于专事怨恨,以致看不见情况并非太糟 ------ 看不见其实有许多好处。


作者:苏北(公众号 苏北教育)

